Tag: benefits

Sell on benefits, but which ones? Sell on benefits, but which ones?

The benefits that seem most obvious aren’t always the most powerful.

Sell on features, not benefits Sell on features, not benefits

Sometimes, the old adage about benefits v features just doesn’t apply.

Buy this, it’s perfect Buy this, it’s perfect

Exaggeration is the default mode of expression for a lot of copywriting. Is there a better way?

Know your B2B value proposition Know your B2B value proposition

Before you approach customers, you should know the particular value and benefit you offer them.

How to write a company tagline How to write a company tagline

Writing a tagline for your company can be a good way to add character to your brand, differentiate yourself and communicate benefits. This article looks at some of the main types of taglines, and the pros and cons of each, and discussed the special case of B2B taglines.

The pros and cons of scary copywriting The pros and cons of scary copywriting

Scaring the reader by invoking ‘negative benefits’ can work, but it’s a high-risk tactic.

No USP? No problem No USP? No problem

Companies sometimes try too hard to find and exploit a USP. You can still market effectively without one, so relax if there’s no obvious candidate.

Why entrepreneurs love copywriters Why entrepreneurs love copywriters

Copywriters can provide invaluable aid to entrepreneurs, helping them to clarify new products or propositions through the discipline required for copywriting.

Benefits: the key to effective copywriting Benefits: the key to effective copywriting

All good copywriting needs to communicate benefits if it is to reach customers effectively.