Tag: Freelancing

Summertime sadness Summertime sadness

Summer can be a difficult time for the freelance parent.

How to build freelance confidence How to build freelance confidence

Some thoughts on how to be a more confident freelancer.

The PCN at one month The PCN at one month

Looking back on the first 30 days of the Professional Copywriters’ Network.

Strategy for freelances Strategy for freelances

A concise guide to developing a strategy for your freelance business.

Evolution of a freelance website Evolution of a freelance website

A post tracing the evolution of the ABC website over the last eight years.

Why I hate networking Why I hate networking

I’ve never got on with networking. Here are the top seven reasons why.

The types of copywriter and copywriting

The term ‘copywriting’ is a broad church – there are lots of copywriting specialisations, and lots of types of copywriter. This article explains the main ones.

How to fight freelance fury How to fight freelance fury

Freelancers are ultimately at the mercy of their clients, and difficult behaviour can be hard to take. This article presents some ideas for managing freelance fury.

Cut your client some slack

Clients’ behaviour gets a lot of bad press from freelances and service providers generally. But before we rush to judgement, we should walk a mile in the client’s shoes.