Tag: Persuasion

Divide and rule Divide and rule

Using divisive authority figures to encourage the reader to disobey.

Are copywriters liars? Are copywriters liars?

Are copywriters really paid to lie?

Thirteen devilishly persuasive copywriting techniques Thirteen devilishly persuasive copywriting techniques

Forget the engagement and bring the manipulation with these thirteen killer techniques.

No-one buys alone No-one buys alone

Psychologists picture us making decisions alone, but we hear many other voices when we decide to buy.

Persuasive copywriting 5: Scarcity Persuasive copywriting 5: Scarcity

Persuasive copywriting is a matter of exploiting a number of proven, well-established principles. The principle of scarcity states that people value something more if it is in short supply.

How to exploit irrational decision-making

Human beings are very bad at making balanced, rational decisions. Here are some of the biases that copywriters can exploit to make a sale.

Persuasive copywriting 4: Authority

The principle of authority states that people defer to experts, and are more likely to accept a suggestion if it is backed up by authority.

How to write compelling calls to action

Calls to action are an essential part of any marketing material or website. This guide explains how to identify your desired customer response, then craft a call to action to push readers towards action.

Persuasive copywriting 3: Consistency Persuasive copywriting 3: Consistency

The principle of consistency states that people align their actions with their clear commitments. Once they’ve made a public or explicit commitment, they tend to stick to it, since they want to appear consistent and honest.