Tag: blogging

Why copywriting is undervalued Why copywriting is undervalued

Is copywriting seen as less valuable than design? And what can copywriters do about it?

7 reasons copywriters should blog 7 reasons copywriters should blog

Blogging is a great way to develop your skills and grow your business.

Why you should write your own blog Why you should write your own blog

Blogging is a special kind of writing, and one that shouldn’t be outsourced.

My greatest blogging hits (and misses) My greatest blogging hits (and misses)

A compilation of my most and least successful blog posts.

How to guest post on a blog How to guest post on a blog

Guesting on a blog is a great way to gain exposure and SEO benefit. Here’s how to get the most from it.

The top 5 ways you suck The top 5 ways you suck

All the best blogs criticise their audience. Now it’s my turn.

The real price of cheap content The real price of cheap content

The quality of online content determines its value to a business. So why economise when quick, cheap content services can only compromise quality?

How to plan your user’s online journey How to plan your user’s online journey

Your user’s online journey begins long before they arrive at your site, and continues after they leave. Here are some ideas for planning and optimising your user’s path to purchasing.