Tag: slogans and taglines

What a difference a word makes What a difference a word makes

How Boots shifted its values by adding one word to its brand tagline.

Sainsbury’s slogans through the years Sainsbury’s slogans through the years

A review of Sainsbury’s slogans, from ‘Quality perfect, prices lower’ through to ‘Live well for less’.

Does clunky click? Does clunky click?

Are deliberately clunky and unusual slogans more memorable?

Police slogans on trial Police slogans on trial

UK police forces stand accused of having ‘meaningless’ slogans. Is there a charge to answer?

Evolution of a freelance website Evolution of a freelance website

A post tracing the evolution of the ABC website over the last eight years.

Do copywriters need a new name? Do copywriters need a new name?

Is the term ‘copywriter’ becoming less useful in the age of content mills? Do we need a new way to differentiate ‘content creation’ from ‘content consultancy’?

How to write a company tagline How to write a company tagline

Writing a tagline for your company can be a good way to add character to your brand, differentiate yourself and communicate benefits. This article looks at some of the main types of taglines, and the pros and cons of each, and discussed the special case of B2B taglines.

How to use metaphors in copywriting How to use metaphors in copywriting

Metaphors can make your meaning clearer, but they can also obscure it. This guide explains how to use them for more effective copywriting.

Benefits: the key to effective copywriting Benefits: the key to effective copywriting

All good copywriting needs to communicate benefits if it is to reach customers effectively.