Tag: psychology

Persuasive copywriting 5: Scarcity Persuasive copywriting 5: Scarcity

Persuasive copywriting is a matter of exploiting a number of proven, well-established principles. The principle of scarcity states that people value something more if it is in short supply.

How to exploit irrational decision-making

Human beings are very bad at making balanced, rational decisions. Here are some of the biases that copywriters can exploit to make a sale.

Persuasive copywriting 3: Consistency Persuasive copywriting 3: Consistency

The principle of consistency states that people align their actions with their clear commitments. Once they’ve made a public or explicit commitment, they tend to stick to it, since they want to appear consistent and honest.

Persuasive copywriting 2: Social proof Persuasive copywriting 2: Social proof

Copywriters can exploit the principle of social proof by positioning a product or service as the choice of the majority.

Persuasive copywriting 1: Liking Persuasive copywriting 1: Liking

The principle of liking can be exploited to persuasive effect by setting up a rapport with the reader.