Tag: Facebook

Why I’m not a sharent Why I’m not a sharent

Posting intimate details of your children online violates their future privacy.

12 new Twitter buzzwords 12 new Twitter buzzwords

Twelve made-up buzzwords you can use to impress your friends.

A post from the future A post from the future

How web content might look a few years from now.

How social media ruined our lives How social media ruined our lives

Social media – so much to answer for. Here’s the case for the prosecution…

Google indexes the human mind Google indexes the human mind

Google is to index our innermost thoughts, desires and memories, opening up exciting new functionality.

The Gap logo, social media and bad faith The Gap logo, social media and bad faith

The Gap logo saga illustrates some of the worst delusions held by marketers about social media.

Companies should be themselves in social media

We deride Nestlé and Habitat for their social media fails. But should we really be so dismissive when we see genuine human emotions online?

Google, social search and the future of online PR

The future of search marketing depends on Google’s ability to sift through the spam, in social media and elsewhere. Louis Venter of Mediavision looks in to his crystal ball.

The future of social media The future of social media

A few thoughts on how the Twitter and Facebook of today might morph into the friendlier, more integrated real-time social media of tomorrow.